2009-5-6 星期三 晴朗

在BDB中所有的共享内存都定义为XXX_REGION{}结构。 比如MPOOL缓冲区,每一个进程有自己的缓存数据结构DB_MPOOL{}:

*    Per-process memory pool structure.
struct __db_mpool {
/* These fields need to be protected for multi-threaded support. */
    db_mutex_t    *mutexp;    /* Structure lock. */

                    /* List of pgin/pgout routines. */
    LIST_HEAD(__db_mpregh, __db_mpreg) dbregq;

                    /* List of DB_MPOOLFILE's. */
    TAILQ_HEAD(__db_mpoolfileh, __db_mpoolfile) dbmfq;

/* These fields are not protected. */
    DB_ENV     *dbenv;        /* Reference to error information. */
    REGINFO        reginfo;        /* Region information. */

    MPOOL       *mp;            /* Address of the shared MPOOL. */

    void       *addr;        /* Address of shalloc() region. */

    DB_HASHTAB *htab;        /* Hash table of bucket headers. */

#define    MP_LOCKHANDLE    0x01        /* Threaded, lock handles and region. */
#define    MP_LOCKREGION    0x02        /* Concurrent access, lock region. */
    u_int32_t  flags;

其中 reginfo字段指向共享内存区域描述信息结构REGINFO{}。 mp字段指向分配在共享缓冲区的,用于描述该缓冲区的MPOOL结构的起始地址。该结构位于共享区域的开始。 addr字段指向共享内存的在其地址空间的映射的起始地址,位于:共享区域地址mp+sizeof(mp),具体参见

int __memp_ropen(dbmp, path, cachesize, mode, is_private, flags);函数中:
/*  * The MPOOL structure is first in the region, the rest of the region
    * is free space.  */
    dbmp->mp = dbmp->reginfo.addr;
    dbmp->addr = (u_int8_t *)dbmp->mp + sizeof(MPOOL); ---

* MPOOL --
*    Shared memory pool region.  One of these is allocated in shared
*    memory, and describes the pool.
struct __mpool {
    RLAYOUT        rlayout;        /* General region information. */

    SH_TAILQ_HEAD(__bhq) bhq;    /* LRU list of buckets. */
    SH_TAILQ_HEAD(__bhfq) bhfq;    /* Free buckets. */
    SH_TAILQ_HEAD(__mpfq) mpfq;    /* List of MPOOLFILEs. */

    * We make the assumption that the early pages of the file are far
    * more likely to be retrieved than the later pages, which means
    * that the top bits are more interesting for hashing since they're
    * less likely to collide.  On the other hand, since 512 4K pages
    * represents a 2MB file, only the bottom 9 bits of the page number
    * are likely to be set.  We XOR in the offset in the MPOOL of the
    * MPOOLFILE that backs this particular page, since that should also
    * be unique for the page.
#define    BUCKET(mp, mf_offset, pgno)                    \
    (((pgno) ^ ((mf_offset) << 9)) % (mp)->htab_buckets)

    size_t        htab;        /* Hash table offset. */
    size_t        htab_buckets;    /* Number of hash table entries. */

    DB_LSN        lsn;        /* Maximum checkpoint LSN. */
    u_int32_t   lsn_cnt;        /* Checkpoint buffers left to write. */

    DB_MPOOL_STAT stat;        /* Global mpool statistics. */

#define    MP_LSN_RETRY    0x01        /* Retry all BH_WRITE buffers. */
    u_int32_t  flags;


剩下的信息都是应用相关的,在MPOOL中就是描述用于内存缓冲区的共享区域信息。 /******************* * Shared memory regions. ******************/ / * The shared memory regions share an initial structure so that the general * region code can handle races between the region being deleted and other * processes waiting on the region mutex. * * !!! * Note, the mutex must be the first entry in the region; see comment above. / typedef struct _rlayout { db_mutex_t lock; / Region mutex. / #define DB_REGIONMAGIC 0x120897 u_int32_t valid; / Valid magic number. / u_int32_t refcnt; / Region reference count. / size_t size; / Region length. / int majver; / Major version number. / int minver; / Minor version number. / int patch; / Patch version number. / int panic; / Region is dead. / #define INVALID_SEGID -1 int segid; / shmget(2) ID, or Win16 segment ID. */

#define    REGION_ANONYMOUS    0x01    /* Region is/should be in anon mem. */
    u_int32_t  flags;

可以看到它包含描述一个共享区域的所有必要通用信息,包括: 对描述信息的并发访问控制信号量:lock。 共享区域的引用计数:refcnt。 贡献区域的大小:size。 共享区域的id,如果是使用shmget(2)的话:segid。 还有一些标志符:flags。



* memp_open --
*    Initialize and/or join a memory pool.
memp_open(path, flags, mode, dbenv, retp)
    const char *path;
    u_int32_t flags;
    int mode;
    DB_ENV *dbenv;
    DB_MPOOL **retp;
    DB_MPOOL *dbmp;
    size_t cachesize;
    int is_private, ret;

    /* Validate arguments. */
    /* Extract fields from DB_ENV structure. */
    cachesize = dbenv == NULL ? 0 : dbenv->mp_size;

/* 对于每个进程私有的数据结构,一律用malloc之类的库函数/系统调用 */
    /* Create and initialize the DB_MPOOL structure. */
    if ((ret = __os_calloc(1, sizeof(DB_MPOOL), &dbmp)) != 0)
        return (ret);

    dbmp->dbenv = dbenv;

    /* Decide if it's possible for anyone else to access the pool. */
    is_private =
        (dbenv == NULL && path == NULL) || LF_ISSET(DB_MPOOL_PRIVATE);

    * Map in the region.  We do locking regardless, as portions of it are
    * implemented in common code (if we put the region in a file, that is).
    if ((ret = __memp_ropen(dbmp,
        path, cachesize, mode, is_private, LF_ISSET(DB_CREATE))) != 0)
        goto err;

    * If there's concurrent access, then we have to lock the region.
    * If it's threaded, then we have to lock both the handles and the
    * region, and we need to allocate a mutex for that purpose.
    if (!is_private)
        F_SET(dbmp, MP_LOCKREGION);
    if (LF_ISSET(DB_THREAD)) {
        ret = __memp_alloc(dbmp,
            sizeof(db_mutex_t), NULL, &dbmp->mutexp);
        if (ret != 0) {
            goto err;
        LOCKINIT(dbmp, dbmp->mutexp);

    *retp = dbmp;
    return (0);

err:    if (dbmp != NULL)
        __os_free(dbmp, sizeof(DB_MPOOL));
    return (ret);

该函数在 调用__os_calloc()创建了per-process数据结构DB_MPOOL{}之后,调用 __memp_ropen()创建或打开缓冲区共享内存区域(定义在mp_region.c文件中)。


if ((ret = __db_rattach(&dbmp->reginfo)) != 0)

如果这是一个新创建的共享区域 ( if (F_ISSET(&dbmp->reginfo, REGION_CREATED)) ),那么它还负责对MPOOL共享内存区域进行初始化操作(通用的共享区域头部信息RLAYOUT{}的初始化由__db_rattach()在分配后完成,不是它的职责)。

    * The MPOOL structure is first in the region, the rest of the region
    * is free space.
    dbmp->mp = dbmp->reginfo.addr;
    dbmp->addr = (u_int8_t *)dbmp->mp + sizeof(MPOOL);

    /* Initialize a created region. */
    if (F_ISSET(&dbmp->reginfo, REGION_CREATED)) {
        mp = dbmp->mp;

        __db_shalloc_init(dbmp->addr, rlen - sizeof(MPOOL));

        mp->htab_buckets =
            __db_tablesize((cachesize / (1 * 1024)) / 10);

        /* Allocate hash table space and initialize it. */
        if ((ret = __db_shalloc(dbmp->addr,
            mp->htab_buckets * sizeof(DB_HASHTAB),
            0, &dbmp->htab)) != 0)
            goto err;
        __db_hashinit(dbmp->htab, mp->htab_buckets);
        mp->htab = R_OFFSET(dbmp, dbmp->htab);

        mp->lsn_cnt = 0;

        memset(&mp->stat, 0, sizeof(mp->stat));
        mp->stat.st_cachesize = cachesize;

        mp->flags = 0;

    /* Get the local hash table address. */
    dbmp->htab = R_ADDR(dbmp, dbmp->mp->htab);

    return (0);



* Implement shared memory region allocation, using simple first-fit algorithm.
* The model is that we take a "chunk" of shared memory store and begin carving
* it up into areas, similarly to how malloc works.  We do coalescing on free.
* The "len" field in the __data struct contains the length of the free region
* (less the size_t bytes that holds the length).  We use the address provided
* by the caller to find this length, which allows us to free a chunk without
* requiring that the caller pass in the length of the chunk they're freeing.
struct __data {
    size_t len;
    SH_LIST_ENTRY links;

* __db_shalloc_init --
*    Initialize the area as one large chunk.
* PUBLIC: void __db_shalloc_init __P((void *, size_t));
__db_shalloc_init(area, size)
    void *area;
    size_t size;
    struct __data *elp;
    struct __head *hp;

    hp = area;

    elp = (struct __data *)(hp + 1);
    elp->len = size - sizeof(struct __head) - sizeof(elp->len);
    SH_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(hp, elp, links, __data);

* __db_shalloc --
*    Allocate some space from the shared region.
* PUBLIC: int __db_shalloc __P((void *, size_t, size_t, void *));
__db_shalloc(p, len, align, retp)
    void *p, *retp;
    size_t len, align;
    struct __data *elp;
    size_t *sp;
    void *rp;

    * We never allocate less than the size of a struct __data, align
    * to less than a size_t boundary, or align to something that's not
    * a multiple of a size_t.
    if (len < sizeof(struct __data))
        len = sizeof(struct __data);
    align = align <= sizeof(size_t) ?
        sizeof(size_t) : ALIGN(align, sizeof(size_t));

    /* Walk the list, looking for a slot. */
    for (elp = SH_LIST_FIRST((struct __head *)p, __data);
        elp != NULL;
        elp = SH_LIST_NEXT(elp, links, __data)) {
        * Calculate the value of the returned pointer if we were to
        * use this chunk.
        *    + Find the end of the chunk.
        *    + Subtract the memory the user wants.
        *    + Find the closest previous correctly-aligned address.
        rp = (u_int8_t *)elp + sizeof(size_t) + elp->len;
        rp = (u_int8_t *)rp - len;
        rp = (u_int8_t *)((ALIGNTYPE)rp & ~(align - 1));

        * Rp may now point before elp->links, in which case the chunk
        * was too small, and we have to try again.
        if ((u_int8_t *)rp < (u_int8_t *)&elp->links)

        *(void **)retp = rp;

#define    SHALLOC_FRAGMENT    32
        * If there are at least SHALLOC_FRAGMENT additional bytes of
        * memory, divide the chunk into two chunks.
        if ((u_int8_t *)rp >=
            (u_int8_t *)&elp->links + SHALLOC_FRAGMENT) {
            sp = rp;
            *--sp = elp->len -
                ((u_int8_t *)rp - (u_int8_t *)&elp->links);
            elp->len -= *sp + sizeof(size_t);
            return (0);

        * Otherwise, we return the entire chunk, wasting some amount
        * of space to keep the list compact.  However, because the
        * address we're returning to the user may not be the address
        * of the start of the region for alignment reasons, set the
        * size_t length fields back to the "real" length field to a
        * flag value, so that we can find the real length during free.
#define    ILLEGAL_SIZE    1
        SH_LIST_REMOVE(elp, links, __data);
        for (sp = rp; (u_int8_t *)--sp >= (u_int8_t *)&elp->links;)
            *sp = ILLEGAL_SIZE;
        return (0);

    /* Nothing found large enough; need to grow the region. */
    return (ENOMEM);

* __memp_ropen --
*    Attach to, and optionally create, the mpool region.
* PUBLIC: int __memp_ropen
* PUBLIC:    __P((DB_MPOOL *, const char *, size_t, int, int, u_int32_t));
__memp_ropen(dbmp, path, cachesize, mode, is_private, flags)
    DB_MPOOL *dbmp;
    const char *path;
    size_t cachesize;
    int mode, is_private;
    u_int32_t flags;
    MPOOL *mp;
    size_t rlen;
    int defcache, ret;

    * Unlike other DB subsystems, mpool can't simply grow the region
    * because it returns pointers into the region to its clients.  To
    * "grow" the region, we'd have to allocate a new region and then
    * store a region number in the structures that reference regional
    * objects.  It's reasonable that we fail regardless, as clients
    * shouldn't have every page in the region pinned, so the only
    * "failure" mode should be a performance penalty because we don't
    * find a page in the cache that we'd like to have found.
    * Up the user's cachesize by 25% to account for our overhead.
    defcache = 0;
    if (cachesize < DB_CACHESIZE_MIN)
        if (cachesize == 0) {
            defcache = 1;
            cachesize = DB_CACHESIZE_DEF;
        } else
            cachesize = DB_CACHESIZE_MIN;
    rlen = cachesize + cachesize / 4;

    * Map in the region.
    * If it's a private mpool, use malloc, it's a lot faster than
    * instantiating a region.
    dbmp->reginfo.dbenv = dbmp->dbenv;
    dbmp->reginfo.appname = DB_APP_NONE;
    if (path == NULL)
        dbmp->reginfo.path = NULL;
        if ((ret = __os_strdup(path, &dbmp->reginfo.path)) != 0)
            return (ret);
    dbmp->reginfo.file = DB_DEFAULT_MPOOL_FILE;
    dbmp->reginfo.mode = mode;
    dbmp->reginfo.size = rlen;
    dbmp->reginfo.dbflags = flags;
    dbmp->reginfo.flags = 0;
    if (defcache)
        F_SET(&dbmp->reginfo, REGION_SIZEDEF);

    * If we're creating a temporary region, don't use any standard
    * naming.
    if (is_private) {
        dbmp->reginfo.appname = DB_APP_TMP;
        dbmp->reginfo.file = NULL;
        F_SET(&dbmp->reginfo, REGION_PRIVATE);

    if ((ret = __db_rattach(&dbmp->reginfo)) != 0) {
        if (dbmp->reginfo.path != NULL)
        return (ret);

    * The MPOOL structure is first in the region, the rest of the region
    * is free space.
    dbmp->mp = dbmp->reginfo.addr;
    dbmp->addr = (u_int8_t *)dbmp->mp + sizeof(MPOOL);

    /* Initialize a created region. */
    if (F_ISSET(&dbmp->reginfo, REGION_CREATED)) {
        mp = dbmp->mp;

        __db_shalloc_init(dbmp->addr, rlen - sizeof(MPOOL));

        * Assume we want to keep the hash chains with under 10 pages
        * on each chain.  We don't know the pagesize in advance, and
        * it may differ for different files.  Use a pagesize of 1K for
        * the calculation -- we walk these chains a lot, they should
        * be short.
        mp->htab_buckets =
            __db_tablesize((cachesize / (1 * 1024)) / 10);

        /* Allocate hash table space and initialize it. */
        if ((ret = __db_shalloc(dbmp->addr,
            mp->htab_buckets * sizeof(DB_HASHTAB),
            0, &dbmp->htab)) != 0)
            goto err;
        __db_hashinit(dbmp->htab, mp->htab_buckets);
        mp->htab = R_OFFSET(dbmp, dbmp->htab);

        mp->lsn_cnt = 0;

        memset(&mp->stat, 0, sizeof(mp->stat));
        mp->stat.st_cachesize = cachesize;

        mp->flags = 0;

    /* Get the local hash table address. */
    dbmp->htab = R_ADDR(dbmp, dbmp->mp->htab);

    return (0);

err:    UNLOCKREGION(dbmp);
    if (F_ISSET(&dbmp->reginfo, REGION_CREATED))
        (void)memp_unlink(path, 1, dbmp->dbenv);

    if (dbmp->reginfo.path != NULL)
    return (ret);


* The interface to region attach is nasty, there is a lot of complex stuff
* going on, which has to be retained between create/attach and detach.  The
* REGINFO structure keeps track of it.
struct __db_reginfo;    typedef struct __db_reginfo REGINFO;
struct __db_reginfo {
                    /* Arguments. */
    DB_ENV       *dbenv;        /* Region naming info. */
    APPNAME        appname;        /* Region naming info. */
    char       *path;        /* Region naming info. */
    const char *file;        /* Region naming info. */
    int        mode;        /* Region mode, if a file. */
    size_t        size;        /* Region size. */
    u_int32_t   dbflags;        /* Region file open flags, if a file. */

                    /* Results. */
    char       *name;        /* Region name. */
    void       *addr;        /* Region address. */
    int        fd;            /* Fcntl(2) locking file descriptor.
                    NB: this is only valid if a regular
                    file is backing the shared region,
                    and mmap(2) is being used to map it
                    into our address space. */
    int        segid;        /* shmget(2) ID, or Win16 segment ID. */
    void       *wnt_handle;        /* Win/NT HANDLE. */

                    /* Shared flags. */
/*                0x0001    COMMON MASK with RLAYOUT structure. */
#define    REGION_CANGROW        0x0002    /* Can grow. */
#define    REGION_CREATED        0x0004    /* Created. */
#define    REGION_HOLDINGSYS    0x0008    /* Holding system resources. */
#define    REGION_LASTDETACH    0x0010    /* Delete on last detach. */
#define    REGION_MALLOC        0x0020    /* Created in malloc'd memory. */
#define    REGION_PRIVATE        0x0040    /* Private to thread/process. */
#define    REGION_REMOVED        0x0080    /* Already deleted. */
#define    REGION_SIZEDEF        0x0100    /* Use default region size if exists. */
    u_int32_t   flags;

memp_ropen()函数调用所有特殊共享区域(如缓冲区,锁表,日志缓冲区)最终调用的函数int __db_rattach(REGINFO* infop);来创建或打开一个通用共享内存区域,

其中infop既是输入信息(要创建或打开的信息,共享区域的大小size,backup文件路径以构造名字或打开backup文件,还有各种标志flags), 也是输出信息(创建或打开后的信息,主要是共享区域的起始地址addr,文件描述符fd,shmget的内部标识符segid,名字等):

* __db_rattach --
*    Optionally create and attach to a shared memory region.
* PUBLIC: int __db_rattach __P((REGINFO *));
    REGINFO *infop;
    RLAYOUT *rlp, rl;
    size_t grow_region, size;
    ssize_t nr, nw;
    u_int32_t flags, mbytes, bytes;
    u_int8_t *p;
    int malloc_possible, ret, retry_cnt;

    grow_region = 0;
    malloc_possible = 1;
    ret = retry_cnt = 0;

    /* Round off the requested size to the next page boundary. */
    DB_ROUNDOFF(infop->size, DB_VMPAGESIZE);

    /* Some architectures have hard limits on the maximum region size. */
    if (infop->size > DB_REGIONSIZE_MAX) {
        __db_err(infop->dbenv, "__db_rattach: cache size too large");
        return (EINVAL);

    /* Intialize the return information in the REGINFO structure. */
loop:    infop->addr = NULL;
    infop->fd = -1;
    infop->segid = INVALID_SEGID;
    if (infop->name != NULL) {
        infop->name = NULL;

    * XXX
    * Lacking spinlocks, we must have a file descriptor for fcntl(2)
    * locking, which implies using mmap(2) to map in a regular file.
    * (Theoretically, we could probably get a file descriptor to lock
    * other types of shared regions, but I don't see any reason to
    * bother.)
    * Since we may be using shared memory regions, e.g., shmget(2),
    * and not mmap of regular files, the backing file may be only a
    * few tens of bytes in length.  So, this depends on the ability
    * to fcntl lock file offsets much larger than the physical file.
    malloc_possible = 0;

#ifdef __hppa
    * XXX
    * HP-UX won't permit mutexes to live in anything but shared memory.
    * Instantiate a shared region file on that architecture, regardless.
    malloc_possible = 0;
    * If a region is truly private, malloc the memory.  That's faster
    * than either anonymous memory or a shared file.
    if (malloc_possible && F_ISSET(infop, REGION_PRIVATE)) {
        if ((ret = __os_malloc(infop->size, NULL, &infop->addr)) != 0)
            return (ret);

        * It's sometimes significantly faster to page-fault in all of
        * the region's pages before we run the application, as we see
        * nasty side-effects when we page-fault while holding various
        * locks, i.e., the lock takes a long time to acquire because
        * of the underlying page fault, and the other threads convoy
        * behind the lock holder.
        if (DB_GLOBAL(db_region_init))
            for (p = infop->addr;
                p < (u_int8_t *)infop->addr + infop->size;
                p += DB_VMPAGESIZE)
                p[0] = '\0';

        goto region_init;

    * Get the name of the region (creating the file if a temporary file
    * is being used).  The dbenv contains the current DB environment,
    * including naming information.  The path argument may be a file or
    * a directory.  If path is a directory, it must exist and file is the
    * file name to be created inside the directory.  If path is a file,
    * then file must be NULL.
    if ((ret = __db_appname(infop->dbenv, infop->appname, infop->path,
        infop->file, infop->dbflags, &infop->fd, &infop->name)) != 0)
        return (ret);
    if (infop->fd != -1)
        F_SET(infop, REGION_CREATED);

    * Try to create the file, if we have authority.  We have to make sure
    * that multiple threads/processes attempting to simultaneously create
    * the region are properly ordered, so we open it using DB_CREATE and
    * DB_EXCL, so two attempts to create the region will return failure in
    * one.
    if (infop->fd == -1 && infop->dbflags & DB_CREATE) {
        flags = infop->dbflags;
        if ((ret = __db_open(infop->name,
            flags, flags, infop->mode, &infop->fd)) == 0)
            F_SET(infop, REGION_CREATED);
            if (ret != EEXIST)
                goto errmsg;

    /* If we couldn't create the file, try and open it. */
    if (infop->fd == -1) {
        flags = infop->dbflags;
        if ((ret = __db_open(infop->name,
            flags, flags, infop->mode, &infop->fd)) != 0)
            goto errmsg;

    * There are three cases we support:
    *    1. Named anonymous memory (shmget(2)).
    *    2. Unnamed anonymous memory (mmap(2): MAP_ANON/MAP_ANONYMOUS).
    *    3. Memory backed by a regular file (mmap(2)).
    * We instantiate a backing file in all cases, which contains at least
    * the RLAYOUT structure, and in case #3, contains the actual region.
    * This is necessary for a couple of reasons:
    * First, the mpool region uses temporary files to name regions, and
    * since you may have multiple regions in the same directory, we need
    * a filesystem name to ensure that they don't collide.
    * Second, applications are allowed to forcibly remove regions, even
    * if they don't know anything about them other than the name.  If a
    * region is backed by anonymous memory, there has to be some way for
    * the application to find out that information, and, in some cases,
    * determine ID information for the anonymous memory.
    if (F_ISSET(infop, REGION_CREATED)) {
        * If we're using anonymous memory to back this region, set
        * the flag.
        if (DB_GLOBAL(db_region_anon))
            F_SET(infop, REGION_ANONYMOUS);

        * If we're using a regular file to back a region we created,
        * grow it to the specified size.
        if (!DB_GLOBAL(db_region_anon) &&
            (ret = __db_growregion(infop, infop->size)) != 0)
            goto err;
    } else {
        * If we're joining a region, figure out what it looks like.
        * XXX
        * We have to figure out if the file is a regular file backing
        * a region that we want to map into our address space, or a
        * file with the information we need to find a shared anonymous
        * region that we want to map into our address space.
        * All this noise is because some systems don't have a coherent
        * VM and buffer cache, and worse, if you mix operations on the
        * VM and buffer cache, half the time you hang the system.
        * There are two possibilities.  If the file is the size of an
        * RLAYOUT structure, then we know that the real region is in
        * shared memory, because otherwise it would be bigger.  (As
        * the RLAYOUT structure size is smaller than a disk sector,
        * the only way it can be this size is if deliberately written
        * that way.)  In which case, retrieve the information we need
        * from the RLAYOUT structure and use it to acquire the shared
        * memory.
        * If the structure is larger than an RLAYOUT structure, then
        * the file is backing the shared memory region, and we use
        * the current size of the file without reading any information
        * from the file itself so that we don't confuse the VM.
        * And yes, this makes me want to take somebody and kill them,
        * but I can't think of any other solution.
        if ((ret = __os_ioinfo(infop->name,
            infop->fd, &mbytes, &bytes, NULL)) != 0)
            goto errmsg;
        size = mbytes * MEGABYTE + bytes;

        if (size <= sizeof(RLAYOUT)) {
            * If the size is too small, the read fails or the
            * valid flag is incorrect, assume it's because the
            * RLAYOUT information hasn't been written out yet,
            * and retry.
            if (size < sizeof(RLAYOUT))
                goto retry;
            if ((ret =
                __os_read(infop->fd, &rl, sizeof(rl), &nr)) != 0)
                goto retry;
            if (rl.valid != DB_REGIONMAGIC)
                goto retry;

            /* Copy the size, memory id and characteristics. */
            size = rl.size;
            infop->segid = rl.segid;
            if (F_ISSET(&rl, REGION_ANONYMOUS))
                F_SET(infop, REGION_ANONYMOUS);

        * If the region is larger than we think, that's okay, use the
        * current size.  If it's smaller than we think, and we were
        * just using the default size, that's okay, use the current
        * size.  If it's smaller than we think and we really care,
        * save the size and we'll catch that further down -- we can't
        * correct it here because we have to have a lock to grow the
        * region.
        if (infop->size > size && !F_ISSET(infop, REGION_SIZEDEF))
            grow_region = infop->size;
        infop->size = size;

    * Map the region into our address space.  If we're creating it, the
    * underlying routines will make it the right size.
    * There are at least two cases where we can "reasonably" fail when
    * we attempt to map in the region.  On Windows/95, closing the last
    * reference to a region causes it to be zeroed out.  On UNIX, when
    * using the shmget(2) interfaces, the region will no longer exist
    * if the system was rebooted.  In these cases, the underlying map call
    * returns EAGAIN, and we *remove* our file and try again.  There are
    * obvious races in doing this, but it should eventually settle down
    * to a winner and then things should proceed normally.
    if ((ret = __db_mapregion(infop->name, infop)) != 0)
        if (ret == EAGAIN) {
            * Pretend we created the region even if we didn't so
            * that our error processing unlinks it.
            F_SET(infop, REGION_CREATED);
            ret = 0;
            goto retry;
        } else
            goto err;

    * Initialize the common region information.
    * !!!
    * We have to order the region creates so that two processes don't try
    * to simultaneously create the region.  This is handled by using the
    * DB_CREATE and DB_EXCL flags when we create the "backing" region file.
    * We also have to order region joins so that processes joining regions
    * never see inconsistent data.  We'd like to play permissions games
    * with the backing file, but we can't because WNT filesystems won't
    * open a file mode 0.
    rlp = (RLAYOUT *)infop->addr;
    if (F_ISSET(infop, REGION_CREATED)) {
        * The process creating the region acquires a lock before it
        * sets the valid flag.  Any processes joining the region will
        * check the valid flag before acquiring the lock.
        * Check the return of __db_mutex_init() and __db_mutex_lock(),
        * even though we don't usually check elsewhere.  This is the
        * first lock we initialize and acquire, and we have to know if
        * it fails.  (It CAN fail, e.g., SunOS, when using fcntl(2)
        * for locking, with an in-memory filesystem specified as the
        * database home.)
        if ((ret = __db_mutex_init(&rlp->lock,
            MUTEX_LOCK_OFFSET(rlp, &rlp->lock))) != 0 ||
            (ret = __db_mutex_lock(&rlp->lock, infop->fd)) != 0)
            goto err;

        /* Initialize the remaining region information. */
        rlp->refcnt = 1;
        rlp->size = infop->size;
        db_version(&rlp->majver, &rlp->minver, &rlp->patch);
        rlp->panic = 0;
        rlp->segid = infop->segid;
        rlp->flags = 0;
        if (F_ISSET(infop, REGION_ANONYMOUS))
            F_SET(rlp, REGION_ANONYMOUS);

        * Fill in the valid field last -- use a magic number, memory
        * may not be zero-filled, and we want to minimize the chance
        * for collision.
        rlp->valid = DB_REGIONMAGIC;

        * If the region is anonymous, write the RLAYOUT information
        * into the backing file so that future region join and unlink
        * calls can find it.
        * XXX
        * We MUST do the seek before we do the write.  On Win95, while
        * closing the last reference to an anonymous shared region
        * doesn't discard the region, it does zero it out.  So, the
        * REGION_CREATED may be set, but the file may have already
        * been written and the file descriptor may be at the end of
        * the file.
        if (F_ISSET(infop, REGION_ANONYMOUS)) {
            if ((ret = __os_seek(infop->fd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) != 0)
                goto err;
            if ((ret =
                __os_write(infop->fd, rlp, sizeof(*rlp), &nw)) != 0)
                goto err;
    } else {
        /* Check to see if the region has had catastrophic failure. */
        if (rlp->panic) {
            ret = DB_RUNRECOVERY;
            goto err;

        * Check the valid flag to ensure the region is initialized.
        * If the valid flag has not been set, the mutex may not have
        * been initialized, and an attempt to get it could lead to
        * random behavior.
        if (rlp->valid != DB_REGIONMAGIC)
            goto retry;

        /* Get the region lock. */
        (void)__db_mutex_lock(&rlp->lock, infop->fd);

        * We now own the region.  There are a couple of things that
        * may have gone wrong, however.
        * Problem #1: while we were waiting for the lock, the region
        * was deleted.  Detected by re-checking the valid flag, since
        * it's cleared by the delete region routines.
        if (rlp->valid != DB_REGIONMAGIC) {
            (void)__db_mutex_unlock(&rlp->lock, infop->fd);
            goto retry;

        * Problem #3: when we checked the size of the file, it was
        * still growing as part of creation.  Detected by the fact
        * that infop->size isn't the same size as the region.
        if (infop->size != rlp->size) {
            (void)__db_mutex_unlock(&rlp->lock, infop->fd);
            goto retry;

        /* Increment the reference count. */

    /* Return the region in a locked condition. */

    if (0) {
errmsg:        __db_err(infop->dbenv, "%s: %s", infop->name, strerror(ret));

retry:        /* Discard the region. */
        if (infop->addr != NULL) {
            infop->addr = NULL;

        /* Discard the backing file. */
        if (infop->fd != -1) {
            infop->fd = -1;

            if (F_ISSET(infop, REGION_CREATED))

        /* Discard the name. */
        if (infop->name != NULL) {
            infop->name = NULL;

        * If we had a temporary error, wait a few seconds and
        * try again.
        if (ret == 0) {
            if (++retry_cnt <= 3) {
                __os_sleep(retry_cnt * 2, 0);
                goto loop;
            ret = EAGAIN;

    * XXX
    * HP-UX won't permit mutexes to live in anything but shared memory.
    * Instantiate a shared region file on that architecture, regardless.
    * XXX
    * There's a problem in cleaning this up on application exit, or on
    * application failure.  If an application opens a database without
    * an environment, we create a temporary backing mpool region for it.
    * That region is marked REGION_PRIVATE, but as HP-UX won't permit
    * mutexes to live in anything but shared memory, we instantiate a
    * real file plus a memory region of some form.  If the application
    * crashes, the necessary information to delete the backing file and
    * any system region (e.g., the shmget(2) segment ID) is no longer
    * available.  We can't completely fix the problem, but we try.
    * The underlying UNIX __db_mapregion() code preferentially uses the
    * mmap(2) interface with the MAP_ANON/MAP_ANONYMOUS flags for regions
    * that are marked REGION_PRIVATE.  This means that we normally aren't
    * holding any system resources when we get here, in which case we can
    * delete the backing file.  This results in a short race, from the
    * __db_open() call above to here.
    * If, for some reason, we are holding system resources when we get
    * here, we don't have any choice -- we can't delete the backing file
    * because we may need it to detach from the resources.  Set the
    * REGION_LASTDETACH flag, so that we do all necessary cleanup when
    * the application closes the region.
        if (F_ISSET(infop, REGION_HOLDINGSYS))
            F_SET(infop, REGION_LASTDETACH);
        else {
            F_SET(infop, REGION_REMOVED);
            F_CLR(infop, REGION_CANGROW);


    return (ret);


ret = __os_malloc(infop->size, NULL, &infop->addr)) != 0


 * There are three cases we support:
 *    1. Named anonymous memory (shmget(2)).
 *    2. Unnamed anonymous memory (mmap(2): MAP_ANON/MAP_ANONYMOUS).
 *    3. Memory backed by a regular file (mmap(2)).
 * We instantiate a backing file in all cases, which contains at least
 * the RLAYOUT structure, and in case #3, contains the actual region.
 * This is necessary for a couple of reasons:
 * First, the mpool region uses temporary files to name regions, and
 * since you may have multiple regions in the same directory, we need
 * a filesystem name to ensure that they don't collide.
 * Second, applications are allowed to forcibly remove regions, even
 * if they don't know anything about them other than the name.  If a
 * region is backed by anonymous memory, there has to be some way for
 * the application to find out that information, and, in some cases,
 * determine ID information for the anonymous memory.


if ((ret = __db_mapregion(infop->name, infop)) != 0),定义在mp_region.c文件中:
* __db_mapregion --
*    Attach to a shared memory region.
* PUBLIC: int __db_mapregion __P((char *, REGINFO *));
__db_mapregion(path, infop)
    char *path;
    REGINFO *infop;
    int called, ret;

    called = 0;
    ret = EINVAL;

    /* If the user replaces the map call, call through their interface. */
    if (__db_jump.j_map != NULL) {
        F_SET(infop, REGION_HOLDINGSYS);
        return (__db_jump.j_map(path, infop->fd, infop->size,
            1, F_ISSET(infop, REGION_ANONYMOUS), 0, &infop->addr));

    if (F_ISSET(infop, REGION_ANONYMOUS)) {
        * !!!
        * If we're creating anonymous regions:
        * If it's private, we use mmap(2).  The problem with using
        * shmget(2) is that we may be creating a region of which the
        * application isn't aware, and if the application crashes
        * we'll have no way to remove the system resources for the
        * region.
        * If it's not private, we use the shmget(2) interface if it's
        * available, because it allows us to name anonymous memory.
        * If shmget(2) isn't available, use the mmap(2) calls.
        * In the case of anonymous memory, using mmap(2) means the
        * memory isn't named and only the single process and its
        * threads can access the region.
#ifdef    HAVE_MMAP
#ifdef    MAP_ANON
#define    HAVE_MMAP_ANONYMOUS    1
#define    HAVE_MMAP_ANONYMOUS    1
        if (!called && F_ISSET(infop, REGION_PRIVATE)) {
            called = 1;
            ret = __os_map(path,
                infop->fd, infop->size, 1, 1, 0, &infop->addr);
        if (!called) {
            called = 1;
            ret = __os_shmget(infop);
#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
        * If we're trying to join an unnamed anonymous region, fail --
        * that's not possible.
        if (!called) {
            called = 1;

            if (!F_ISSET(infop, REGION_CREATED)) {
                "cannot join region in unnamed anonymous memory");
                return (EINVAL);

            ret = __os_map(path,
                infop->fd, infop->size, 1, 1, 0, &infop->addr);
    } else {
        * !!!
        * If we're creating normal regions, we use the mmap(2)
        * interface if it's available because it's POSIX 1003.1
        * standard and we trust it more than we do shmget(2).
#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
        if (!called) {
            called = 1;

            /* Mmap(2) regions that aren't anonymous can grow. */
            F_SET(infop, REGION_CANGROW);

            ret = __os_map(path,
                infop->fd, infop->size, 1, 0, 0, &infop->addr);
        if (!called) {
            called = 1;
            ret = __os_shmget(infop);
    return (ret);


    * Initialize the common region information.


rlp = (RLAYOUT *)infop->addr;

    /* Initialize the remaining region information. */
    rlp->refcnt = 1;
    rlp->size = infop->size;
    db_version(&rlp->majver, &rlp->minver, &rlp->patch);
    rlp->panic = 0;
    rlp->segid = infop->segid;