- 召回:matching
- 排序和截断: ranking
常见的ranking scheme有:
- tf-idf: 最经典的ranking算法
- Okapi BM25: tf-idf的变种
- PageRank: 大名鼎鼎的Google Ranking算法
TF: Term Frequency, term在某个document中出现次数。一个term在某个document出现越多次,表示该文档与该term相关性越大。这个算法够简单,大部分情况下也是比较符合逻辑的。
单纯比较词数(term count)的话,长文本明显比短文本有优势,但是并不意味着长文本比短文本更重要(更相关)。为了避免这种问题,这里引入了文档向量(unit vector)的概念,对term count进行归一化(normalize)。实现很简单,就是把term count除以该文档的总词数,其实就是求百分比。
TF(t) = t在文档中的出现次数 / 该文档的总词数
在Lucene(ElasticSearch)中引入了一个叫做Field-length norm的因子,来表示文档长度对权重的影响。计算公式如下:
norm(d) = 1 / sqrt(numTerms)
The field-length norm (norm) is the inverse square root of the number of terms in the field.
这个权重就叫做”逆文档频率”(Inverse Document Frequency,缩写为IDF),它的大小与一个词的常见程度成反比。
IDF: Inverse Document Frequency,逆文档频率。如果包含词条t的文档越少,也就是n越小,IDF越大,则说明词条t具有很好的类别区分能力。
IDF(t) = log(文档总数 / 包含t的文档数)
其中 (文档总数 / 包含该词的文档数) 其实就是 文档频率 的倒数,这也是为什么称之为逆文档频率的原因。
TF-IDF(t) = TF(t) * IDF(t)
综合考虑了词频和逆文档频率的IF-IDF算法已经是比较符合实际情况了,不过这个算法无法体现词的位置信息,不同位置的词,其重要性可能会有所不同,比如出现在title中词显然要比出现在body中的重要一些。针对这种情况,有一个简单的方法,就是对不同的字段(field)赋予不同的权重(field weight)。算法可以跟TF类似——在越短的段落出现的词频权重越大。
Putting it together
前面讨论的三个因子:term frequency, inverse document frequency, 和 field-length norm,会在构建索引期间分别计算和保存,然后Together, they are used to calculate the weight of a single term in a particular document。
Full-text relevance formulae, or similarity algorithms, combine several factors to produce a single relevance _score for each document.
PUT /my_index/doc/1
{ "text" : "quick brown fox" }
GET /my_index/doc/_search?explain
"query": {
"term": {
"text": "fox"
weight(text:fox in 0) [PerFieldSimilarity]: 0.15342641 // 1
result of:
fieldWeight in 0 0.15342641
product of:
tf(freq=1.0), with freq of 1: 1.0 // 2
idf(docFreq=1, maxDocs=1): 0.30685282 // 3
fieldNorm(doc=0): 0.5 // 4
- The final score for term fox in field text in the document with internal Lucene doc ID 0.
- The term fox appears once in the text field in this document.
- The inverse document frequency of fox in the text field in all documents in this index.
- The field-length normalization factor for this field.
使用TF-IDF,我们可以对得到每个单词对应的权重,但是查询往往包含多个单词(term),怎么把不同的term得到的权重加权起来呢?这就需要引入 向量空间模型 和 余弦相似性 了。
Vector Space Model
The vector space model provides a way of comparing a multiterm query against a document. The output is a single score that represents how well the document matches the query.
首先,需要把文档和query都表示为向量(vector),一个向量(vector)其实就是一个一维数组,如 [1.2, 2.6, 5.3, 22.1] ,数组中的元素就是根据前面的TF-IDF计算出来的每个term的权重值。
举个简单的例子说明一下向量空间模型的实际应用。假设有个query = happy hippopotamus
, 召回阶段会对query进行分词然后检索求并集,假设最后召回下面三篇文档:
- I am happy in summer.
- After Christmas I’m a hippopotamus.
- The happy hippopotamus helped Harry.
- Document 1: (happy,____) ==> [2,0]
- Document 2: ( ___ ,hippopotamus) ==> [0,5]
- Document 3: (happy,hippopotamus) ==> [2,5]
然后再把query也向量化 query: (happy,hippopotamus) ==> [2,5]
现在 文档和query都以向量的形式表示在同一个向量空间,同一向量空间中两个向量的相识度其实就是他们之间的角度(angle between them),角度越小越相似。用余弦相似性就可以简单的解决这个问题,视觉效果如下图所示:

实际上的ranking过程会更复杂一些,包括 Index-Time Boosting 和 Query-Time Boosting,这篇文章有比较详细的说明:Lucene’s Practical Scoring Functionedit。
一般都是以相关性对检索结果进行排序,但是正如数据库查询一样,我们也可以针对某个或者多个field进行排序,比如根据时间排序,为了性能考虑,这时候往往会用到一个称之为 Doc Values 的东东,主要用在如下场景:
- Sorting on a field
- Aggregations on a field
- Certain filters (for example, geolocation filters)
- Scripts that refer to fields
1、Term frequency:
How often does the term appear in the field? The more often, the more relevant. A field containing five mentions of the same term is more likely to be relevant than a field containing just one mention.
2、Inverse document frequency:
How often does each term appear in the index? The more often, the less relevant. Terms that appear in many documents have a lower weight than more-uncommon terms.
3、Field-length norm:
How long is the field? The longer it is, the less likely it is that words in the field will be relevant. A term appearing in a short title field carries more weight than the same term appearing in a long content field.
- Individual queries may combine the TF/IDF score with other factors such as the term proximity in phrase queries, or term similarity in fuzzy queries.
- When multiple query clauses are combined using a compound query like the bool query, the _score from each of these query clauses is combined to calculate the overall _score for the document (使用向量空间模型)。
- Controlling Relevance
- Sorting and Relevance
- 相关性简介 ElasticSearch权威指南(中文版)
- How scoring works in Elasticsearch
- Optimizing Search Results in Elasticsearch with Scoring and Boosting
- Advanced Scoring in elasticsearch
- How to Implement a Search Engine Part 1: Create Index
- http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2013/03/tf-idf.html
- TF-IDF与余弦相似性的应用(二):找出相似文章
- BM25 The Next Generation of Lucene Relevance