
If Kibana and Elasticsearch are on the same host, and you’re using the default Elasticsearch port, then you’re all set. Kibana is configured to use that setup by default!

If not, you need to edit config.js and set the elasticsearch parameter with the URL (including port, probably 9200) of your Elasticsearch server. The host part should be the entire, fully qualified domain name, or IP, not localhost.


  1. 点击右上角的 configure dashboard,点击Index,进入Index Settings。
  • timestamping = none, Default Index = log-*
  • timestamping = hour/day/week/month/year, Default Index = [log-]YYYY.MM.DD, [log-]*-YYYY.MM.DD


Index Settings

Time stamped indices use your selected time range to create a list of indices that match a specified timestamp pattern. This can be very efficient for some data sets (eg, logs) For example, to match the default logstash index pattern you might use [logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD. The [] in “[logstash-]” are important as they instruct Kibana not to treat those letters as a pattern. You may also specify multiple indices by seperating them with a comma(,). For example [web-]YYYY.MM.DD,[mail-]YYYY.MM.DD Please also note that indices should rollover at midnight UTC.


  1. queries and filters


kibana的布局是基于 Row 和 Panel 的。

一个 Dashboard 包含 很多 Row,一个 Row包含多个 Panel。Panel也就是所谓的控件。Kibana内建如下控件:

  • column
  • goal
  • histogram
  • hits
  • table
  • terms
  • text
  • trends
  • map
  • bettermap
  • sparkines




  1. Kibana 中文指南 中文翻译+说明,推荐!
  2. http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/kibana/current/index.html
  3. Kibana queries vs filters

http://ju.outofmemory.cn/entry/78030 http://storysky.blog.51cto.com/628458/1158707/ http://gotocon.com/dl/goto-berlin-2014/GOTO_Night/logstash-kibana-intro.pdf http://it.taocms.org/01/2507.htm


createTime: [2014-12-24 06:30:00 TO 2014-12-24 10:00:00]