默认Titan是作为一个jar包依赖,本地调用。但是通过Titan Server可以提供远程服务。

Titan使用了Gremlin Server引擎作为服务器来提供服务,默认配置是使用WebSockets,但是我们可以配置成其他协议或者自己扩展实现。

下面是如何配置Titan Server,让其提供HTTP REST API:

1、If you’re starting from the titan-1.0.0-hadoop1.zip, I’d suggest making a copy of conf/gremlin-server/gremlin-server.yaml into conf/rest-gremlin-server.yaml. Also, copy conf/titan-cassandra.properties to conf/gremlin-server/titan-cassandra-server.properties

cp conf/gremlin-server/gremlin-server.yaml conf/rest-gremlin-server.yaml
cp conf/titan-cassandra.properties conf/gremlin-server/titan-cassandra-server.properties

2、If you’re planning to connect to Gremlin Server from something other than localhost, you’ll want to update the host with its IP address or in rest-gremlin-server.yaml


3、Configure the Gremlin Server for REST instead of WebSockets (refer to the Gremlin Server documentation). In the rest-gremlin-server.yaml, update the channelizer

channelizer: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.channel.HttpChannelizer

4、Configure the Gremlin Server mapping with the Cassandra properties file with your graph configuration

graphs: {
  graph: conf/gremlin-server/titan-cassandra-server.properties}

And also, be sure to start Gremlin Server with the configuration file:

./bin/gremlin-server.sh ./conf/gremlin-server/rest-gremlin-server.yaml

5、Update the titan-cassandra-server.properties with your specific Cassandra properties. In particular, you’ll want to update the keyspace name and possibly storage.hostname if Cassandra isn’t running on localhost.


6、Sending Gremlin to the Gremlin Server configured for REST is the same, regardless of the actual Gremlin query. Do a HTTP POST of a JSON object with a pair { “gremlin”: “g.V().count()” } to the Gremlin Server. Here’s what it looks like with a curl:

curl -XPOST -Hcontent-type:application/json -d '{"gremlin":"g.V().count()"}' http://localhost:8182


  1. Gremlin Server
  2. Gremlin Server Rest API